This year is different for us. There will be no family and friends gathered around a large table filled with children and friends. While others are driving to gatherings, we are home in a blanket of white snow quite foreign to us transplanted Californians. But, a curious thing has happened this year. We started to be very thankful early. Thankful for this home. Thankful that we have heat. Thankful for so many things that is almost like the food and the day aren't that important.
We have a small local turkey. There will be potatoes and gravy etc. but the main thing we are bringing to the table is our hearts of Thanksgiving.
Want to know something? I don't think this one will be bad at all.
Feeling like you aren't having things the way they used to be? Embrace where you are and give thanks. This is an offering that pleases God. I am suddenly thinking of a boy from camp who was asked by Patty what they had for Thanksgiving. He hung his head and said. "WE DIDNT HAVE ANY FOOD."
This really happened. If you are feeling blue about what you don't have this year, I have an idea for you: JUMP OVER THE WALL OF SELF PITY. Sit down at your desk and write a generous check out to organisations that feed the poor like Second Harvest Food Bank.
Get out of your house and go serve meals to the poor. Many places need your Hands to help serve. While you forget yourself, you will discover Gods mercy in action and find your true Thanksgiving!