Monday, April 16, 2012

Showing Love Through Little Things

My grandmother was a very wise Christian woman. One of her favorite statements was "what can I do for you? She lived in Indiana and was the wife of a farmer but her impact on me was great because she really cared. She wrote me newsy letters of farm life.

Late, when the children were little she made by hand blankets for them. She also gave me shell jewelry which she made in Florida in the winter.
She had learned that there were lots of opportunities out there to show love to others and she did it with her hands and her heart. But, you say, I don't make things. I don't do any of that. Okay, neither do I... Wish I could... but there is a way. IF YOU GAVE YOUR TIME that you could help someone and show you cared. How the cold old world needs this today.
If you focused outward and wanted to show love where would you start? Try something small and practical. You could really listen to someone who had a problem. (gift of time). You could invite a lonely person out to do something with you. Go with you to something. There are many isolated older people who would love to do something different. You could really do something at your church. Try something that is beyond what you normally would do and see God work!

If you haven't felt God's love in a long, long time you could just check out on Sunday mornings some churches near you. Church shop like you do anything else. You might be surprised how relevant the Bible is to your problems today.

God likes us to see His opportunities. How do we know what they might be until we experience the greatest love in the world. God wants us to love Him and love others. We just have to get out of the "it's all about me" mindset and say what can I do for you?

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