Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wet Cement

You have probably heard the adage: "Children are like wet cement." This is a picture of wet cement. The worker has to take his tool and move The cement while he can into position. The worker has to be in constant action during this wet stage like the first 10 years of a child's life.

The impressions made for good or for bad will mark that child for life. Character is being formed. Right and wrong can be taught. Truth can be imbedded in the heart that like money in the bank can be withdrawn later.

We know the labor we have put into over the last 13 years in children's lives in Redwood City, Tracy, San Jose and beyond.

As one former camper said, "what I learned in touchdown camp held me during the confusing teen years."

Never forget that being we reap what we sow whether in one child's life of many.

Look for wet cement and see how you can mold the children near you.
Hi Joyce,
For me the big take away this year -- well, for my 2 days at camp -- is encapsulated in the attached picture. The person you see w/ Orlando is Edgar, whose nickname is Bonbon.

Two years ago, when I volunteered last at camp, Bonbon was the #1 trouble maker in the "old kids" group. I remember bc a # of times I had to discipline him -- or try to discipline him. There are some children who clearly enjoy camp and others who just seem to be there bc they have nothing better to do. With this latter group I often wondered if anything sinks in.

Jim, left. Bonbon, middle. Fabi, right.
I received my answer to this question on Tuesday as Bonbon signed in to volunteer. My jaw hit the floor when I saw him; i asked Fabi "Isn't that Bonbon? He was the #1 trouble-maker two years ago. I never thought I'd see him again. HE is volunteering?"

Fabi explained how he promised to behave. It wasn't that I didn't think he'd behave but I was flabbergasted by the fact that Bonbon, someone who just seemed to attend camp bc he had nothing better to do, now is a volunteer. His parents don't belong to Verbo the interest in volunteering is 100% due to the impact that TD camp had on him.

Just as Jesus did "... not come to call the righteous, but sinners” I don't judge a camp by how the "good" kids are impacted but I focus on how camp impacts those "less than good." There may never be a better testament, in my eyes, to how camp impacts children than Bonbon volunteering.
