Monday, June 6, 2011

Sweet Peas

As I write, a bunch of these old fashioned flowers are on the table. Sweet Peas remind me so much of my days here in San Jose growing up. Every fall we would get to plant the seed along  the fence in the back yard. In the spring they would come up and we would use string and thumb tacks to get them to train up on the fence.

Growing sweet peas was one of my first gardening experiences. It was rewarding. And one year my mother told me that I could do them all by myself. She showed me how to soak the very ugly seeds until they got puffed up. Then I had to go out and dig a small trench and put them in the ground. It was a long wait until they came up in the spring. Kind of plant and forget gardening.

The most outstanding thing about the sweet peas, of course, is their fragrance. Just a few will act like perfume in a room.

Well, we all know this but there is something we Christians need to know. According to scripture we are "the fragrance of Christ" to those that are being saved. We are also an odor of death..much like dead flowers to those who are not.

I hadn't really thought of myself as a sweet pea. Some people are going to like my fragrance and some just aren't. Explains a lot. Let us pay attention to those who are being drawn to us. These are the ones we want to give the nod to in our time and energy.

Think of yourself as a very special flower. Because the Lord really is inside you His fragrance reaches out to others.


  1. A lot of information not only on Sweet Peas but on how they formed with Christianity

  2. I am a gardener and I really love working and growing with Sweet Peas. I love this website because I would really like to know more about Sweet Peas. The Christian story about Sweet Peas is really touching to the heart. I am also Christian and I didn't know all this about how Sweet Peas connect with us Christians... I just really love this page..and I really appreciate the Christians that stand out to what they belive...I thought Sweet Peas had nothing to do with Christianity.... I just love the people that connect to Jesus about simple things, like flowers... God Bless You All.


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