Friday, July 18, 2014

Cafe Time

This has become an impersonal world. The speed of internet communication is a blessing but it can be an excuse not to sit down and get to know someone face to face.

We all need a place to meet outside of work. How can we love others if we don't know anything about them? We are commanded as Christians to love one another.

Here are some simple steps to that end:
1. Pick someone you nod at as you go by. Stop. Talk to them for a couple of minutes.

2. Next time mention that you like to go to x cafe for lunch or dinner. Reveal something of yourself. Tell the person why you like the place. Then listen to the response.

3. Stop again and talk to the person about anything of general concern. In this crazy world the person is getting to assess whether or not you are safe to be around.

4. Stop. Converse. Mention you would like to have coffee or lunch sometime.

Please note how often the process involves you stopping. This isn't easy unless you ask God to give you more love for others and focus on them rather than self. We can love because we have been and are loved.

A very busy mother and I started with messaging. I hated to bother her. She was home schooling 4 children. My husband thought it very strange that I was messaging my next door neighbour.

"WHY DONT YOU JUST GO OUT TOGETHER", he said. So, of course, I sent a text message and we went out to a local cafe.

We had a great visit and she could rest. She mentioned another neighbour with a serious need. We three went out and real concern and trust came about.

I was surprised last night to be treated to dinner and given a going away present by my cafe friends. Yes, I felt cared for and valued.

Now I am moving, but cafe time will continue. I trust they will invite someone else, I have found my new cafe and it is just a matter of stopping and talking on the new block.

When we stop and care, the impersonal becomes personal. We can be known and know others so that the Love of God can be seen and felt amongst all of us.

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